Monday, January 9, 2012

Just a Hello

I really wanted to show pictures of our New Year's Resolution writing... but it's STILL not done!  The kids are working so hard on them, and I expect a lot, so it might take awhile.  I saw a lot of people that posted pictures with cute art and then one sentence attached (or maybe two) about their New Year's resolution.  If I put something like that out I would be in trouble!  It would not be near the rigor expected (not saying that those aren't good activities that I wouldn't LOVE to do).  My kids are writing two paragraphs.  The first is about what they were good at in 2011 and the second is what they want to get better at in 2012.  We are using the stoplight writing organizer to help them.  (Green, main idea... yellow, detail about main idea... red, more about yellow... green, back to main idea.)  I have some kids on their final draft, so maybe by tomorrow i can post some pictures of their work and decorations.

We are also working on a fact family neighborhood (pictures to come... when we get it done).  Everything a work in progress, nothing finished yet.  That's good though, right?  Projects that make you think more take more time...right?

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