Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day!

For the Halloween party I served the food too soon.  For the Winter party we had too many tasks to accomplish them all.  I think now I have it figured out.  One project, one Valentine's work book, and food served the last 15 minutes of the party.  I only let 5 kids pass out cards at a time, so it worked well.  I actually came through with my maze idea!  I love when I think of something and I actually do it.

The kids LOVED them - a lot more then I thought they would.

Their project was to make a book for their parents (or grandparents, or aunts, or uncles, whomever they preferred)  The front title was "I Love You"  by: Student Name.

The book had between 2 and 6 pages.  Each page said "I love you because..." and then they finished the sentence.

Normally I would have had them do more on their own, but I just did a sentence starter so we could get it done in the amount of time allotted and it would still be cute.

One of my little girls made this adorable valentine box for me to collect all my valentine's in.

Oh, and on a Teacher of the Year note... our amazing custodian put up my pole for me so I have a designated parking spot.  So excited :-)

Happy Valentine's Day to all!

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